Russian blog for language learners

Russian Chess Vocabulary

Russian Chess Vocabulary

Russian chess vocabulary is our today’s topic. Do you like chess? Do you know how to play it? If you do – watch my new video…

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Learn Russian By Watching Movies

Learn Russian By Watching Movies

Can You Learn Russian By Watching Movies? Learning Russian is fun. And the more things you can do to reinforce this way of thinking, the more progress you’ll make. So here’s an article about watching Russian movies. They’re a great way to practice your...

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Resources for learning Russian

Resources for learning Russian

How to learn Russian? Most of the students usually have no idea what to do and where to start with Russian. Of course a single textbook is not enough. Here is a list of resources and tools for learning our language…

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Difference between ТЕПЕРЬ and СЕЙЧАС

Difference between ТЕПЕРЬ and СЕЙЧАС

Many students ask me: “What is the difference between Russian words ТЕПЕРЬ and СЕЙЧАС? And how to use them properly?” Sometimes it really can be rather confusing, but most of the times it’s all about a couple simple rules…

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5 comparisons in Russian

5 comparisons in Russian

As you know, there are common comparative idioms in every language. In Russia we like to compare some qualities of people with the ones that animals or objects have (according to our cultural views of course:)). Let’s talk about the most common ones…

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